Bootcamp Tango | Milonga-proof colgadas

This bootcamp will be all about the out of axis movement called colgada. It is a movement where you both hang into the outside of the embrace to create beautiful dynamic movements that otherwise are impossible. We will start the lesson with creating a good posture and balance as these are the fundaments of making movements out of axis, followed by exercises to get used to the feeling of “hanging” within the embrace. In the second part of the bootcamp you will learn simple and more complex combinations, which allow you to use the colgada in a fluent motion without taking too much space in the milonga.

Max. 9 couples per bootcamp!

Teachers: Lorena & Jory
Date: Sunday 22nd of August 2021
Price: € 27,50 p.p.
Time: 14.45 – 17.00 hr
Location: Djoj, Antony Duyklaan 5-7, Rotterdam (room 6)

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Due to the measures because of Corona, we have to keep 1.5 meters between the couples during the lesson.
There is no exchange of partners.
Registration is only possible with a partner! Not a partner? Send us an email.
You will receive more details about the guidelines when you register.
Dancing is allowed and possible again. Although we are bound by various measures, together we can ensure that it is fun and safe.