Bootcamp Ladystyling | Giros & Voleos

Argentine Tango technique for the follower
This bootcamp is divided into 2 hours. Each with its own theme.

15.00 – 16.00 | Posture, balance, walk, footwork
Exercises for posture and balance.
Use of base leg, elegance and walk, active follow, turning

16.15 – 17.15 | Giros & Voleos, Technique feet and legs
Ochos, technique turning, walk, use of the upperbody, hips etc.
What kind of giros/voleos are there? Different Rhythms in giros. How to use your own initiative without taking over the lead.
And: the role of the follower in relation to the leader during the giro & Voleo.

We work with max 12-14 ladies per bootcamp!
Very intensive, but the result is there.

Teacher: Lorena de Miranda Serra
Date: Sunday 1rst of October 2023
Price: € 30 p.p.
Time: 15.00 – 17.15 hr (incl. 15 min. break)
Location: Tango SI aan de Maas/Schiemond, Dempostraat 143, Rotterdam