Bootcamp Tango | Volcadas & Colgadas for in the milonga

Out-of-axis movements like colgadas and volcadas are always a hot topic within the tango community. We all know the very big movements that we see in performances, but what about the small ones that are used in the milonga? This bootcamp will be about those small colgadas and volcadas where a good connection and good posture play a very big part in making nice, creative and musical combinations with out-of-axis movements.

Max 9 couples per Bootcamp!
Very intensive, but the result is there.

Teachers: Lorena & Jory
Date: Saturday 3rd of December
Price: € 29,50 p.p.
Time: 14.45 – 17.00  hr
Location: Nivon, Dirk Smitsstraat 76, Rotterdam

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