Bootcamp Ladystyling | Ornaments

Argentine Tango technique for the follower
This bootcamp is divided into 2 hours. Each with its own theme.
20.00 – 21.00 | Posture, balance, walk, footwork
Exercises for posture and balance.
Use of base leg, elegance and walk, active follow.
21.15 – 22.15 | Decorations, Technique feet and legs
Decorations in ochos, walk and more …
How do I work best with my feet/legs in the air? When do I have time for decorations? How do I own initiative?
And: a decoration is great if it fits perfectly into the music.
We work with max 10-12 ladies per bootcamp!

Teacher: Lorena de Miranda Serra
Date: Friday 12th of August 2020
Price: € 27,50 p.p.
Time: 20.00 – 22.15 hr
Location: Alma de Tango, Koningin Emmakade 133, Den Haag

Due to the measures because of Corona, we have to keep 1.5 meters between the ladies/followers during the class.
Registration for this bootcamp is without a (dance)partner!
You will receive more details about the guidelines when you register.
Dancing is allowed and possible again. Although we are bound by various measures, together we can ensure that it is fun and safe.

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