Bootcamp Tango | Musicality: different types of accelerations Fully Booked!

Accelerating is a very good tool to express the music. Especially for strong music this is a musthave within your arsenal, though we often tend to lose the connection or the rhythm while doing so.
During the first hour of this bootcamp we will work on the technique of preparing and closing accelerations so that both partners are aware of when we can start and when we want to stop accelerating. After the accelerations feel well within the couple we will continue to explain the different types of accelerations that we can use so that we can link them to different parts in the music to compliment the music even better!

Max 3-4 couples per bootcamp!
Very intensive, but the result is there.

Teachers: Lorena & Jory
Date: Monday 16th of December 2019
Price: € 25 p.p. (incl. drink & snack)
Time: 20.00 – 22.15 hr
Location: Rotterdam

Fully Booked!